I feel I am letting you all down this week, but I am still ill. If I were to put questions together for you it would be a half-hearted attempt and this book deserves better that that.
I had the thought that perhaps we could make a brief pause in our studies and reflect upon the journey so far. I am tossing this back in to YOUR laps for Monday night. Some sample ideas are: to discuss how the book has impacted you so far. Reflect on the things you more aware of now than before we started. Have questions arisen for you that we have not answered? Has any of the content of the story so far surprised you? Just about anything goes here as long as it pertains to M.A.'s journey in some way.
I do not expect you to answer these specific questions. Spend some time before God and ask Him to show you the things He wants you to be learning and sharing with us.
Just be prepared to have a time of sharing this week. God willing we can get back to the questions next week as I begin to feel better. Please pray I will be up to guiding this discussion on Monday night!
Love you all,
would love to join you on Mondays.
what time will it be?
IOhope that you are feeling better.
Hey Anne!
Deni's Monday night studies are at 9 pm eastern time.
- Liz
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