Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Study Guide Questions for 3/9 - Hinds Feet on High Places

Chapter One:

1. What are the first words the Chief Shepherd says to Much Afraid? How well does the Chief Shepherd know Much Afraid? Do you think He knows what a challenge those words are to her?

2. When Much Afraid says "I cannot resist them", what is she telling us about her belief system?

3. Why does Much Afraid have to ask to go to the High Places? Why didn't the Chief Shepherd suggest it himself? Can you find a supportive scripture?

4. Why do you think Much Afraid will receive a new name?

5. What do you think the seed of love represents?

6. What do you think about the author's choice of the size and shape of the seed of love?

7. Who does Much Afraid meet on the way home? What is her response? Why do you think she forgot the Shepherd's words so quickly? Can you apply this in your own life?

8. Why was she afraid to look at the Shepherd? What would she have seen had she looked? What does this mean for us?

9. Can you relate to Much Afraid? In what ways?

10. What is your "Craven Fear"?

Happy reading and see you next Monday!

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