Tuesday, July 22, 2008

beat the heat for a bit

Heres a trick for those of you needing to cool down for a while when its exceptionally hot out. If you can get your hands on a mint based lotion such as peppermint or a menthol based such as vicks and smear it on your lower back, shoulders,neck, feet and thighs (old t-shirt and socks come in handy if you use the vicks)then if your still a tad warm stand in front a fan and you'll be chattering in no time at all. I find alot of times if I just put some vicks on my feet and small of my back then my temps are dropping fast and I am actually on the cool side in no time at all, course no one wants to come around me for long but hey it beats passing out from heat stroke LOL.

1 comment:

liz4cps said...

That's a creative approach! Love it!