Sunday, May 11, 2008

40 Day Prayer Devotional

Day 19 - May 11

Pass it On

Scripture: "Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." John 20:21

Prayer Points:
• Pray for a fresh commitment to prayer as the lifeline through which we may hear God's voice and receive His grace as we move forward together in the proclamation of His saving Gospel.
• Pray that our lifestyle will validate the message we proclaim. A heart of love for both God and others is the most important thing we need to draw others to Christ. Let's follow Him in renewed hope, obedience and faith.

Janice Young, Member
National Planning Team
Heal Our Land National Women's Prayer Wave

You are invited to join a free Teleconference Prayer Call that will go out this Thursday, May 15th and for all the Thursdays in May:

Call in on Thursday at 11:00 am EST

Just dial 1-712-580-1800 and use

access code 31416

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