Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hinds Feet on High Places Study Questions for April 13, 2009 Chapter 10

Ascent of the Precipice Injury

1. What does M.A. learn about anticipation?

2. What does the bridge that M.A., Sorrow and Suffering find suggest to you?

3. What do you think of the resting place they find? Why is it there? Has the Shepherd provided a “resting place” for you?

4. What is the meaning of the little flower “Bearing the Cost”?

5. What is M.A.’s fall symbolic of?

6. What does she remember?

7. If you were M.A., what questions might you have for the Shepherd as He appears on the mossy bank?


Unknown said...

Does God love everyone? what scrip. can I look at?

deni said...

Hey sefa ... Yes, God loves all of us and wishes to have a relationship with each one of us. Some scriptures:

John 3:16
2 Peter 3:9
1 John 4:19

Are just a few - if you'd like more, just let me know! deni