Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday Hinds' Feet Study

So far we don't have enough folks to start the Sunday study of Hinds' Feet. I have decided to wait one more week to see if we have others who would like to attend. If we have three or more additional folks who'd like to attend that would be great! If we hear from folks this week, we will start next Sunday at 3:30, although several folks have said that is not a good time for them. Let me know if starting at 7:00 pm in the evening would be better as perhaps a switch is time is all that is needed for this to work.

I am sorry this is so last minute, but I've been waiting to see if we might get a few more folks before delay/canceling the study. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sunday afternoons aren't always the best for me; Sunday evenings are probably better, though not guaranteed.